Refreshingly crisp and a bit peppery, radishes are easy to grow in spring and fall. Direct sow the seeds as soon as the soil can be worked in early spring and again in the fall just before the first frost.
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A blunt, oblong, very early radish of French origin, scarlet pink with a white tip. Crispy white meat with a slightly spicy flavor. Sow in spring or fall and collect when young. 20-30 days
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Radish with long, well-formed cylindrical roots. It can reach 20 cm in length. Characteristic flavor, slightly spicy. frost resistant
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Variedad apta para cultivo durante todo el año. Produce una raíz de color rojo brillante, con forma de globo y textura crujiente. Sabor inigualable, con notas que recuerdan a las setas silvestres. Las semillas que te...
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Raíces muy largas de forma cónica. Son de un tamaño uniforme y un color muy atractivo.
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Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus
La apariencia del Rábano Daikon es como una gran zanahoria pero con un color blanco. El rábano es más redondeado y con la textura más crujiente. Su sabor es picante, muy similar al...
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The best radish to grow outdoors, with early maturity and very uniform development. Round bulb, deep red and crisp. Unrivaled flavor, with notes reminiscent of wild mushrooms. Does not crack or become stringy. Ideal...
Out-of-StockSold out
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The horseradish produces robust and twisted roots of about 40 cm. It is these roots with a spicy flavor that are eaten grated, they replace mustard and allow to season many dishes.
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Round, firm-fleshed, aromatic winter radish with white flesh and black rind.