Naturnoa Horticultura Sostenible S.L.
Huge fruits up to 30 cm long and 320 g. Pale green in color turning red when ripe, very tasty can be used in salads or grilled. Very productive variety.
Tall, bold blue flower heads on bright green foliage. Prefers a well-drained position. 1.4 m
The Ailsa Craig tomato is an early maturing variety that produces medium-sized bright red fruits. Variety of Scottish origin that dates back to 1925 and is still recognized as one of the best varieties.
La Ajedrea de Jardín es una planta anual, de rápido crecimiento que alcanza los 30-50 cm de altura. Tiene hojas muy finas, de un color verde bronceado. Una aromática olvidada y que es necesario recuperar en nuestros...
Extremely hot pepper that has been known since before Columbus arrived in America, its yellow fruits have a distinctive citrus flavor
Nasturtium (Tropaeolum minus) Alaska Salmon
Salmon-colored flowers on variegated leaves, a variety that grows in clumps of about 20 cm
Variedad estandard de cabeza verde. Alcanza los 170 cm de altura. Produce unas flores azules similares al cardo si se deja florecer.
Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus
Una variedad de globo púrpura, similar en hábito a Green Globe, pero con un sabor más fino y atractivas cabezas de flores grandes con forma de cardo púrpura.
The green cut flowers of Amaranthus caudatus add an exotic appearance to bouquets and complement other more colorful flowers, but look equally good with pastel colors and more formal arrangements. An exciting and...
Long-day onion, late. Large coppery red bulbs with white pulp of excellent conservation. Excellent variety for winter consumption.
Daucus carota subsp. sativus
An excellent variety of 'baby' carrot that produces thin, cylindrical roots. Good color with minimal core. Firm foliage that holds up well. Will not produce oversized carrots even if...
Pepper native to the city of Anaheim in California, with mild flavor and heat (500-1000 SHU). They are generally harvested ripe when they measure about 20 cm, can be dried and hung in strings
Biennial umbellifera used in phytotherapy since always. The stems are consumed in jams or other recipes, but the main use is in phytotherapy, decoctions or obtaining oils.
Anise (Pimpinella anisum) is an annual shrub-type plant that grows to approximately 60 cm in height. It is a delicate herb with beautiful and tiny white flowers, which is grown both for its leaves and for its seeds....
Raíz relativamente suave, muy voluminosa, con pulpa firme, crujiente y fragante; excelente hortaliza para el invierno durante el cual se guarda en bodegas, en un lugar fresco, despojado de hojas y raicillas. Se come...
Apium graveolens var. rapaceum
El Apio Nabo Prinz es una variedad de primera calidad, de piel muy fina, apta para macetas. Es ideal tanto para el cultivo temprano protegido, como para el tardío en campo abierto, ya...
A traditional type of Indian corn that produces long ears with multi-colored kernels. Mainly used for decorative purposes but often used as a culinary variety. A late maturing variety.
Austrian variety of armuelle with large green leaves that are consumed like spinach, The armuelle seeds that we offer you do not have chemical treatment
Variety of armuelle with large purple leaves that are consumed like spinach, The armuelle seeds that we offer you do not have chemical treatment
Arnica Montana, is a perennial herb with yellow flowers that although they are poisonous in large quantities due to the toxin, helenalin, the flower and the arnica root are used externally for a variety of ailments....