The Californian Wonder Sweet Pepper is the standard sweet pepper. It is a traditional variety from 1928 that is still one of the largest bell-type varieties, and one of the most consumed in the world, since it is a very productive and resistant variety in many climates.
The Californian Wonder Sweet Pepper is the standard sweet pepper. It is a traditional variety from 1928 that is still one of the largest bell-type varieties, and one of the most consumed worldwide, as it is a very productive and resistant variety in many climates.
It is a very productive variety, producing many square shaped fruits, 10x10 cm and about 150 g in weight. They ripen from green to bright red and have thick, tender and very sweet flesh. It is a medium plant that measures between 60 and 70 cm so it is suitable for pots. It is resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus.
Sowing is between February and May. The pepper needs at least 20 ° C to germinate, so it is always recommended that they be planted indoors in seedbeds. We will sow 2 or 3 seeds for each small seedbed approximately 1 cm deep. We must keep the earth always moist. Later, when it is warm enough, we can transplant to the vegetable garden or pots. Like all peppers it needs enough heat and lots of light. We must also water them a lot but without flooding, so we will get them to bear more and better fruit.
The fruits ripen in about 80-90 days. To collect, we cut the fruits with scissors, we should not pull the peppers because we could damage the plant. By collecting we favor a higher production. We must collect all the fruits before the first frosts begin. In a plastic bag or film in the refrigerator they keep for several days. Cut and frozen they will last up to 6 months. Another option is to let them dry out of the light.
It s the typical sweet pepper, which can be eaten both when it is green and red. We can consume it fresh and due to its size, it is perfect for filling. It is ideal for use in salads, grilled fried foods, in stews, stews and a host of other dishes.
Peppers provide our diets with a large amount of vitamins, fiber, potassium and antioxidants. The red varieties also have a greater amount of vitamins C and A. The pepper has stimulating, digestive, cardiovascular and disinfectant properties. It provides the body with an important dose of silicon and fluoride, which is very important for nails, hair and skin. Among its benefits we can highlight that: it neutralizes acidity, improves rheumatism and arthritis, activates the functioning of the liver and is a vasodilator. Its consumption is important to prevent the appearance of degenerative and chronic diseases.
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